Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Two Worlds, One Family

     I have recently been attempting to be a bucket list destroyer. I realized that on my last program i left with a lot of things that I wanted to do but didn't get a chance to do or just never got around to. I went to Design a Tee last week with Paige at Downtown Disney, I also bought myself an Eeyore Pillow Pet and we got ice cream at Ghiradelli. This Monday I went to the Boardwalk and to Epcot with some friends from work. Unfortunately heat and stress got to me again and I ended up tucking in early. I think that is the third time that that has happened with that group of people, I need to drink more water and to not stress out so much. Why am I stressed you ask? I work at Disney World, there should be no such thing as stress here!
    Well to start off, I really don't like Custodial at Magic Kingdom as much as I did at WSC. I miss World Showcase and my friends from my last program like I'm missing a liver.. or a spleen... or you know some type of organ that's found in my mid-section.  Also, though I've met some nice guests, I've actually been interacting more with the very angry ones. No one was ever really angry at WSC, drunk-yes, angry-no. And it's tough because half the time I just don't know what to say to them. But I'm trying not to let it get to me, I'm trying to breathe and look at the sky, enjoy the 99 degree heat, and just remember that I work in Disney World.
      My family is coming down next Tuesday and I am freaking out about getting the time off. Right now I have to give away three shifts their first week to get to spend time with them. I'll figure it out. If people don't take them buy tomorrow night, the bribery is coming out. My wonderful roommate Keri was lovely enough to drive me (and get lost with me in Kissimmee) to get my MainGate Pass so I will be able to get my family into the parks! I'm super excited to have a Disney family vacation, Disney family vacations are amazing, they always bring my family together and let us have a lot of fun and laughs together.

In conclusion: My family is coming= excitement, Guests being mean= not excitement but rising above it!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Be...Our... Guest...

       Today I tried to bang out some bucket list items. My original idea was to do the Keys to the Kingdom tour in the morning, then go to Be Our Guest Restauraunt at Magic Kingdom, buy myself a balloon (because I'm a child), then make my own tee- shirt at Design a Tee at Downtown Disney. While I did get a few bucket list items done I will admit that plan shriveled. Nobody really wanted to cough up the cash to get a tour of the place we get paid to be everyday, so Keys to the Kingdom was unfortunately put on hold. Be Our Guest however was not.
       My friend Enaliz (who works MK Custodial with me) went to Be Our Guest at 12.30, waited about 15 minutes to get in for Quick Service Lunch, and were able to eat a lot quicker then we thought. We ate in the ballroom, I really wanted to eat in the West Wing but it was unfortunately packed. It's gorgeous in there. I came home and watched Beauty and the Beast twice in a row (that was actually an accident caused by laziness on my part) just to relive the beauty captured in this restauraunt. I definitely want to take my family for lunch when they come here, its amazing.
       Afterward we walked around Tomorrowland, intent upon riding Space Mountain, but we were unfortunately halted by its two hour wait. We instead rode the PeopleMover, playing spot the custodian, before indulging in some hardcore tenth degree shopping. I ended up buying myself a Dooney and Bourke Disney Sketch backpack, as I just love to spend so much money on myself.  I also bought myself a gorgeous scarf featuring The Little Mermaid. So the void in my life that can only be filled by belongings is stuffed for now.
        I headed home from Magic Kingdom with my friend Anthony around 4.30 because today was Makayla's eleventh birthday!! I got to Facetime my family who are actually on their vacation at the moment in New Hampshire and wish Makayla a happy birthday and watch her unwrap some of the presents I bought her (which my mum was kind enough to wrap and bring to New Hampshire with them). I feel bad because this is the second year in a row that I have been in Florida on her birthday. Hopefully I'll get to make that up to her when she comes down in a few short weeks!
         So bucket list items down:
                 -Went to Be Our Guest
                 -Bought myself a Dooney and Bourke bag
                 -And I actually got to grab a pork shank from Gaston's Tavern the other day while I         was on  my break.
        Also I may need to cross out the silly idea of buying myself a balloon. While it seems fun, they're actually about ten dollars each, and though the happiness it might bring me is great, I'd rather not throw ten dollars away on a puff of air. But Design a Tee is still on the list as is the Keys to the Kingdom tour. I'll see about doing something tomorrow. I have tomorrow off and as of yet haven't made any plans. I figure I'll just stumble into something fun. Or sleep. Sleep is fun.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Time Management: Not So Much

      So I have been slacking on almost everything lately. I am always so tired from work that I usually wake up at twelve in the afternoon. Twelve o'clock. I hate it, I want to go back to where sleeping in was ten o'clock and I still had some daylight to burn. But right now they still have me on vampire hours at Magic Kingdom, I don't get home until three o'clock in the morning with these buses. And you know a girls gotta eat so I don't go to sleep until four or so. I really need to change something, it's effecting my ability to get things done and enjoy being able to work at Disney World.
     But I've finally been trying to do some fun things in my days off. I got to go to Hollywood Studios with a few friends from Magic Kingdom Custodial on Monday. It was grand. We managed to go on almost every ride, even Toy Story Mania (twice!)!! We also got VIP seats at the Beauty and the Beast stage show.  It was glorious. I could see Belle's lip liner, that's how close we were. I tried green cotton candy (which was interesting) and I also bought my first Vinylmation. It was a surprise box of the Beauty and the Beast set and I lucked out with Belle:)

 It did unfortunately pour on and off, and I should be lucky that I didn't catch another cold from it. It was nice to be at Hollywood Studios, this was my first time there since my last program. It was also fun to just have people my own age to laugh with and hang out with.
     While I do like hanging out by myself, reading a book all day cozy in the corner, I really came back here to reconnect with people my own age. I have a very limited friend group back home, and those who are in it I love very much, but for a girl who commutes to school its hard to meet new people. Doing this program last time was great because of how many amazing people I got to meet that I never would have otherwise. It stinks that all of those people are so far away from me now, but getting to meet them in the first place was amazing. I'm hoping to meet some more amazing people when the Fall CP group gets down here. I don't feel like I've totally connected with anyone yet. I'm trying to remember that this is a new experience, though it may mirror he old one, and to not compare it with the first time around.
      I've been trying to have more fun at work. I really like just talking to guests, most of the people I get to interact with are pretty cool. They've also saved up and worked their butts off to get here and here I am, not happy at living here.
     SO: Moral of the day, I need to learn how to better manage time (aka write this blog at least once a week, I mean come on girlfriend...) so I can get more fun things done, I need to meet some new people and make more friends. And then, the dreaded F-word... I need to have... fun.
Suggestions for fun things to do in Florida are welcome, since my idea of fun (surfing the internet while wearing the ugliest clothes I own) can be done pretty much anywhere. So thanks for checking in and giving this a read, I really appreciate it. Hopefully I'll have some fun new adventures to write about soon!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Here it is: The Great Disney Adventure Bucket List 2.0

 I've done some of these before (most actually) but why not again??

-Actually go on rides/ go to parks rather than sit on the couch watching subbed Japanese dramas and stuffing your face full of pasta.
-Go on Tours (Wild Africa Trek/ Keys to the Kingdom)
-Eat at Be Our Guest Restauraunt
-VoluntEAR again
-Pin trade (get pins to trade..)
-Go pool hopping in the resorts
-Celebrate my birthday
-See a celebrity
-Go to Universal Studios/The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
-Halloween at Universal
-Go to Cocoa beach (and don't get lost)
-Eat the Kitchen Sink
-Collect as many GSF's as possible
-Meet some random characters
-Get some Ray Bans at Downtown Disney
-Buy myself another Disney Dooney and Bourke
-Watch the fireworks from the Polynesian
-See Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party
-Do all four parks in one day
-Eat at the Sci-Fi Diner
-Talk to Push, the talking trash can
-Design my own t-shirt at Disney's Design a Tee at Downtown Disney
-Visit the Boardwalk
-See DiVine
-Fill my autograph book
-Go to Miami again
-Get a tour of the Haunted Mansion
-Collect Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom cards
-Buy a Mickey balloon
-Try a pork shank from Gaston's Tavern

Also check out my bucket list from my first program:
It was relatively successful, although I may re-add 4, 6, 9, and 14 to this times list!!

Fourth of July Fireworks in the Sky, (also forgetting all my funny stories...)

        I need to remember more funny stories. I don't really have a ton right now. I had a little girl tell me she loved me the other day, pretty much the highlight of my day. I have been called "Sir" more times than I can count. I got to see the inside of the Be Our Guest restaraunt the other day when I closed out their restrooms. I just kind of pretended I was lost (Oh are the restrooms over here... Nope... what about over here..nope.. try again!) I've gotten to see a lot of really cool bits of New Fantasyland that I never saw before. I love the new Little Mermaid section and the Beauty and The Beast section (Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie).
       I'm still getting used to working at Magic Kingdom over Epcot. The buses there are horrible and packed to the brim with people going to work, the buses back are horrible and packed to the brim with people who spent their day having fun in the park. it stinks but I'm getting used to it. I'm also getting used to my vampire-esque hours. The 3rd of July I worked from 8 at night until 4 in the morning. That's an exception for the holiday but I still usually work until 2:30 in the morning. Eh: What are you going to do?
        Actually I did put in a request to possibly work the Food and Wine Festival on the fall to shake it up. The Food and Wine Festival is held at Epcot every year and you can probably tell what its main exports are. If I get selected to work it (I'm really not sure what the chance are for that because I'm a CP) I would be moved to Epcot and work in either Merchandise or Quick Service Food and Beverage. I would love to be Merchandise, imagine how round my resume would be then!!! Librarian/Restaraunt Hostess/ Custodian/ Salesperson. I'd basically have qualifications for anything (unless it involves technology, I am so horrible with technology...). But no, it would be really great to get to go back to Epcot at least. We'll see, I wont find out until the first week in September.
        I'm settling in a lot better, I'm getting to know more people at my work now which is nice. There are some really great people that I work with, I'm just afraid of getting attached to most of them since they're leaving within a month. We'll see, I'm trying to plan more adventures. I definitely have to make that bucket list that I keep talking about.  I'd love to do some of the tours like the Wild Africa Trek and the Keys to the Kingdom tour. Just some things I didn't have a chance to do on my last program. I still really haven't done a whole lot at the parks yet. I've been to three out of four (I haven't been to Hollywood Studios yet), but even at those I haven't gotten a chance to do some of my favorite rides. I still haven't done Expedition Everest or Space Mountain this time around.  I'll have to get on that.
         So the fourth of July was this past week, Happy birthday America, I love you flaws and all (although we'll have to work on some of them..). Magic Kingdom was packed with guests because of its spectacular fireworks. Which I got to watch nearly every night for free. They were amazing, I'll have to find some pictures online. They definitely made me feel American, especially the finale.  'Murica!!!
         My family will be coming down in the beginning of August, I'm hoping to get enough time of to spend with them. It would be grand since I haven't seen them since May.
         Wahoo!! Alright, a lot of excitement on my end, catch up with y'all soon!! (I'll hopefully get better with writing these, especially considering I spend most of my days off watching Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Buffy the Vampire Slayer etc. on Amazon Prime and reading 2+ books per day, I could also do some blogging..)