Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Two Worlds, One Family

     I have recently been attempting to be a bucket list destroyer. I realized that on my last program i left with a lot of things that I wanted to do but didn't get a chance to do or just never got around to. I went to Design a Tee last week with Paige at Downtown Disney, I also bought myself an Eeyore Pillow Pet and we got ice cream at Ghiradelli. This Monday I went to the Boardwalk and to Epcot with some friends from work. Unfortunately heat and stress got to me again and I ended up tucking in early. I think that is the third time that that has happened with that group of people, I need to drink more water and to not stress out so much. Why am I stressed you ask? I work at Disney World, there should be no such thing as stress here!
    Well to start off, I really don't like Custodial at Magic Kingdom as much as I did at WSC. I miss World Showcase and my friends from my last program like I'm missing a liver.. or a spleen... or you know some type of organ that's found in my mid-section.  Also, though I've met some nice guests, I've actually been interacting more with the very angry ones. No one was ever really angry at WSC, drunk-yes, angry-no. And it's tough because half the time I just don't know what to say to them. But I'm trying not to let it get to me, I'm trying to breathe and look at the sky, enjoy the 99 degree heat, and just remember that I work in Disney World.
      My family is coming down next Tuesday and I am freaking out about getting the time off. Right now I have to give away three shifts their first week to get to spend time with them. I'll figure it out. If people don't take them buy tomorrow night, the bribery is coming out. My wonderful roommate Keri was lovely enough to drive me (and get lost with me in Kissimmee) to get my MainGate Pass so I will be able to get my family into the parks! I'm super excited to have a Disney family vacation, Disney family vacations are amazing, they always bring my family together and let us have a lot of fun and laughs together.

In conclusion: My family is coming= excitement, Guests being mean= not excitement but rising above it!

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